Read: 2 Timothy
younger [women] as sisters, with all purity. 1 Timothy 5:1-2
When Joseph worked in Potiphar’s house, he
had free reign of everything in the house because he had been made
second-in-command. It is likely that Joseph was an attractive man, for the only
thing in all the house held back from Joseph pursued him with all her might. It
was Potiphar’s wife. Though daily she tried to lure Joseph to herself, he made
his position quite clear in Genesis 39:9 when he said, “How then can I do this
great wickedness, and sin against God?” Unlike many compromising men who claim
the girl forced herself onto them or who are too enamored by their own
attractiveness to resist temptation, Joseph had learned the value of purity,
and God blessed him tremendously for his stand. He realized that to compromise
his purity would not only be a disservice to Potiphar and his wife, but also a
sin against God. God’s desire for each young man is clearly laid out in 1
Thessalonians 4:4 – “That every one of you should know how to possess his
vessel in sanctification and honor.”
The world’s idea of masculinity has
shifted dramatically in recent years. Where once it stood to defend a woman’s
honor, now it often involves the ability to take a woman’s purity. The more
women they have been able to “conquer,” the more manly they believe they are.
They play on the innocence of girls who are only looking for love and security.
They use those girls to satisfy their own fleshly cravings, and they discard
them broken, hurt, and used. Most men would never consider robbing a store
because it is seen by society as completely wrong, but somehow it is okay to
steal a woman’s purity from her. True manhood does not compromise a woman’s
purity; true manhood stands up to heroically protect it. True manhood sees the
value in a woman’s’ purity and in his own. Your purity is your most valuable
possession, and a woman’s purity is the most precious gift she has. A man who
has learned to possess himself in honor has learned that wooing a woman’s heart
through kindness and respect is the way that a real man wins her hand in marriage.
First Timothy 5:1-2 says that a young man should treat a young lady just as he
would treat his sister – with all purity.
Too many young men are willing to
sacrifice the future on the altar of the present. They care only about what is
satisfying right now. They don’t look far enough down the road to realize what
they are losing when they lose their purity or what they are stealing when they
take a young lady’s. Determine to return manhood to its original glory by
treating young ladies with the respect they deserve.
Quote of the day: “God gives the greatest battles to His strongest
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