Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Christian of Olympic Proportions

Read: Luke 12:36-48

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.                 Luke 12:48

     I love watching both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The amazing abilities and performances by athletes from all countries intrigue me. One common factor emphasized by the television networks airing the Olympics is the extreme amount of dedication, time, and work it took a particular athlete to make it onto the global stage. Often they show home videos of that athlete as a very small child when he first put on his skis or skates, or when he first took on the sport in which he now competes. In quick succession, many pictures flash through the childhood of the athlete as he stands atop podiums or shows toothless grins next to piles of trophies and ribbons representing his achievements. Some athletes become famous along the way, but most make a name for themselves when they finally stand atop the platform as their flag rises higher than all the rest and their country’s national anthem echoes through the stadium. The reason they are now in that position is because of all the hard work, sweat, and effort that it took to become that good. They started training at a very young age, and they made themselves only better as time went on.
     Christian young people should be no different in their spiritual lives. From the time they are old enough to be exposed to the elements, they are carried to church by their parents. They have pictures of themselves dressed up in a suit and carrying a Bible. Many accept Christ as their Saviour as soon as they are old enough to comprehend that they are sinners and that Christ died for them. So why is it then, that so many Christian young people grow up only as mediocre Christians who lack a resumé worthy of a lifelong Christian? It is because they are not willing to sacrifice their all to Jesus Christ. While young athletes are sacrificing desserts and sleep to become the best in their sport, young Christians indulge in frivolities and worldliness that keep them from becoming champions for Christ. Consequently, it is the athlete who stands victorious, with his newfound fame and medal in hand, and the Christian who trembles under the hand of defeat and mediocrity until he is called to his Heavenly home.
     Don’t be the Christian who has all the aptitude to truly change the world for Christ yet fizzles out because of a lack of dedication to the cause of Christ. Determine to realize your full potential for Christ and become a Christian of Olympic proportions.  

Quote of the day: “It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win.” – Douglas MacArthur

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